Section de Philosophie | UNIL | Université de Lausanne |
en français | in English | auf Deutsch |
Personal Data | Research Program | Teaching | Presentations | Publications | Contact |
Books | 2007 | Reductionism in the philosophy of science. Frankfurt (Main): Ontos-Verlag. Link Review by Ingo Brigandt, University of Alberta (USA) Link |
2010 | Kausale Strukturen. Together with Michael Esfeld. Frankfurt (Main): Suhrkamp-Verlag. Link Review by Matthias Neuber, University of Tübingen (Germany) Link |
2011 | Conservative reductionism. Together with Michael Esfeld. New York / London: Routledge. Link Review by Clifford Hooker, University of Newcastle (Australia) Link |
2011 | Philosophie de la biologie. Enjeux et perspectives. Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. Link Review by Nathanaël Laurent Link Review by Jonathan Racine Link Review by Francesca Merlin; forthcoming 2014 in: History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences Vol. 36, N. 1, pp. 133-135 Link PPUR Interview Youtube (3min) Link RSR Espace 2: émission "Babylone" (20.1.2012) Interview: Philippe Zibung (20min) Link Interview Radio France Culture: émission "Continent Sciences" (11.09.2012) Interview: Stéphane Deligeorges (57min) Link Interview |
Articles & Bookchapters | 2005 | “Argumente für eine Typenidentität von Eigenschaften” In: Günter Abel (ed.): Kreativität. XX. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie. Sektionsbeiträge (Berlin: Verlag der TU Berlin 2005); volume 2, pp. 287-297. pdf |
2005 | “Reduction of biological properties by means of functional sub-types” History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 27, Pp. 435-449. Link pdf |
2006 | “Intertheoretic deduction of explanations” In: Michael Esfeld (ed.): John Heil. Symposium on his ontological point of view, Frankfurt (Main): Ontos-Verlag 2006, Pp. 91-107. Link pdf |
2007 | “Theory reduction by means of functional sub-types”. Together with Michael Esfeld. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 21 (1), pp. 1-17. Link pdf |
2007 | “La philosophie comme réflexion sur les sciences” Studia Philosophica, 66, pp. 79-92. pdf |
2008 | “Scientific pragmatic abstraction” In the proceedings of the 31. Internationales Witgenstein Symposium on “Reduktion und Elimination” (Kirchberg: August 2008). pdf |
2008 | “Wissenschaftliche Qualität von pragmatischen Abstraktionen der Biologie” In the proceedings of the XXI. Deutschen Kongress der Philosophie, DGPhil (Essen-Duisburg: September 2008). pdf |
2009 | “L'autonomie des sciences spéciales reconsidérée”. Together with Patrice Soom. In: Patrick Ducray (ed.): Actualité de la philosophie analytique, 13, pp. 69-105. (Klesis. Revue philosophique). Link pdf |
2010 | “Psycho-neural reduction through functional sub-types”. Together with Patrice Soom and Michael Esfeld. Journal of Consciousness Studies 17, pp. 7-26. Link pdf |
2010-11 | “Conservative reduction of biology” Philosophia Naturalis 47-48 (1), pp. 33-65. Link pdf |
2011 | “Identität statt Emergenz. Plädoyer für einen konservativen Reduktionismus”. Together with Michael Esfeld. In: Jens Greve and Annette Schnabel (eds): Emergenz. Zur Analyse und Erklärung komplexer Strukturen, Berlin: Suhrkamp-Verlag, pp. 84-110. Link |
2012 | "Biological laws and kinds within a conservative reductionist framework" In: D. Dieks, W. J. Gonzales, S. Hartmann, M. Stoeltzner and M. Weber (eds): Probabilities, laws, and structures. Doordrecht: Springer, Volume 3, Part 2, pp. 231-244. Link pdf |
2012 | "Marrying the merits of Nagelian reduction and functional reduction" Together with Michael Esfeld and Patrice Soom. In: Acta Analytica, 27(3), pp. 217-230. Link pdf |
2013 | "Le réductionnisme conservatif. Conserver les sciences spéciales par réduction" In: M. Silberstein (Ed.): Matériaux philosophiques et scientifiques pour un matérialisme contemporain. Paris: Editions Matériologiques, chapter 8 (pp. 245-270). Link |
2013 | "Philosophie der Lebenswissenschaften. Entwicklungen und Tendenzen" Common publication by the members of the DFG-supported network "Netzwerk Philosophie der Lebenswissenschaften". In: Information Philosophie, Jahrgang 2013, Heft 4, pp. 14-27. Link pdf |
2014 | "Similarités ontologiques et différences épistémologiques entre physique et biologie" In: T. Hoquet and F. Merlin (eds.): Précis de philosophie de la biologie. Paris: Vuibert, chapter 5 (pp. 99-110). Link |
Reviews & Commentaries | 2006 | Review on: Jaegwon Kim: Physicalism, or something near enough (Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2005, 200 pages) Dialectica, 60, Pp. 508-512. Link pdf |
2007 | Commentary on: Terry Horgan: “Mental causation and the agent-exclusion problem” Erkenntnis 67 (2), pp. 201-205. Link pdf |
2007 | Review on: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger: Epistemologie des Konkreten. Studien zur Geschichte der modernen Biologie (Frankfurt/Main: suhrkamp taschenbuch wissenschaft, 2006, 415 pages) History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 29 (2), pp. 242-244. Link pdf |
2014 | "The new puzzle of biological groups and individuals" Review/article on: Frédéric Bouchard und Philippe Huneman (Eds.): From groups to individuals. Evolution and emerging individuality. (Cambridge (Massachusetts): MIT Press, 2013, 278 pages) Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 46, pp. 117-120. Link pdf |
2015 | Commentary on: Jean Gayon: „De la portée des théories biologiques“ In: Thierry Martin (Ed.): Problèmes théoriques et pratiques en biologie évolutionniste. Paris: Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté (PUFC). Link pdf |
2015 | Review on: Francesca Merlin: Mutations et aléas. Le hasard dans la théorie de l’évolution (Paris: Hermann, 2013, 272 pages) History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37, pp. 335-338. Link |
2015 | Review on: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger: Introduction à la philosophie des sciences (Paris: La Découverte, 2014, 126 pages) Gesnerus 72, pp. 348-350. Link |